Thursday, 4 October 2012

Flip Books.

Today we had to create our own flip books. I found this task quite difficult, not difficult as in the sense I was struggeling to complete the task but in the sense that it involved drawing and I don't think drawing is one of my strong points but I managed to complete the task by doing 20-30 simple drawings of different fish to create the effect of a flip book where the picture moves. Below is a picture I took on a Mac of my own flip book.

A flip book or flick book is a book with a series of photographs that vary gradually from one page to the next, so that when the pages are turned rapidly, the pictures appear to animate by simulating motion or some other change. The first flick/flip book appeared in September, 1868, when it was patented by John Barnes Linnet under the name kineograph ("moving picture"). They were the first form of animation to employ a linear sequence of images rather than circular (as in the older phenakistoscope.)

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