Thursday, 6 June 2013



This is my final piece for my Final Major Project. I got there in the end! :)

FMP Evaluation


For my FMP (Final Major Project), my decision was to make a video log also known as a vlog. We were given a brief titled Time & Space and had to keep it within that genre. I themed my vlog on various days of me doing crazy things such as partying and also days at College. The point of a vlog is to act as a sort of diary, a video diary which can be watched at any time.

For my vlog I have produced a piece which involves me, my friends and my bearded dragon. The vlog includes crazy moments of my life which have been filmed such as partying, eating a live Locust which believe me, was disgusting, but the things we do once we are intoxicated! My vlog also includes scenes where I am at College just doing random things. My inspirations for my crazy themed vlog were such artists such as CTFXC, Prank VS Prank and Sam Pepper, all of which are big hits on YouTube who create daily vlogs and upload them to YouTube for the entire public to see.

My original aim for my FMP was to show the public the type of person that I am by uploading and editing videos of what I do in my daily life. I'm a crazy sort of person and I definitely think this shows in some of the scenes in my vlog. I wanted to incorporate the people in my life who meant the most to me in my vlog so if for some reason in the future they were no longer there then I always have this vlog to fall back on to rekindle the memories.

Orginally my idea for my final piece was to film my brother and his wife and get them to reinact a scene from the movie Requiem for a Dream but unfortunately due to the fact I did not have enough time or the props to produce this, I changed my idea to doing a vlog of my life. My idea to create a vlog went well because this was easy to produce as I had so much time to create this. I am very happy with some of the scenes pictured in my vlog as they show the type of person I am and I'm very pleased that I was able to create this.

My journey into producing this vlog proved to be quite difficult. Although I was able to create and collect all of my footage and soundtrack, the time I had to finish and edit all of it together to create my final piece was not fulfilled as it should have been. Leading up to the deadline day I had quite a bit of time off College due to personal issues and was not able to work on my FMP for quite some time. On the actual hand in day, I managed to come in as early as possible to piece together all of the work that I had done and finish and hand it in, it was such a relief to be able to do this!

If I had the chance to redo my FMP I definitely would have spent a lot more time and effort into doing this to create a better outcome and possible distinction level work. I would have planned it a lot better and taken my time to do this, I would have went deeper into my level of research and went into a lot more detail and depth planning it all together in general. Although I was not able to accomplish this, I tried to do the best with the time I was given and tried to work well with what I had.

If I was given my chance to display my vlog and work in the professional world I would love for it to be displayed to the general public, television and the internet.

I have to say that what I am most proud of in my final major project is the fact what I was able to accomplish and produce my final piece in general with such little time! I am also very pleased with how my final piece turned out in the end, I was able to capture memories of me and my friends and days at college on my course which I can replay over and over again.

Proposal Form

Proposal Form

Producer - Roxy Campbell
Working Title - My Life - Vlog

Description Of Product

I introduce my vlog by starting off with a video clip of me walking through College as the setting. I'm currently walking with my mate Jade when my other mate Emily comes along, the camera shows her face and the song Rudimental - Waiting All Night starts. I then show a video clip of me having a little party at my flat with my friends and I also show my lizard Luca in which I kiss him (In this particular scene I slow the speed down.) There is then a scene where I am quite drunk and dancing and all my friends are just messing around. Next there is a scene, one of my favorites, where I do in fact eat a live Locust! I slow the speed of this part down. Throughout the rest of the duration of the video are just scenes of me and my friends doing day to day things such as parties and college and just having a good time with the song playing along to it. At the end there is a clip with me again eating the live Locust but slowed down and edited the original sound for that original effect where I scream.


My target audience is for teenagers. I think this particular age group would find my vlog more interesting and understand it better seeing as I am a teenager myself and they could relate to it and all the crazy things we do! For the age range I would say between 15-20.


Pre Production

Researcher - Roxy Campbell
Storyboard Artist - Roxy Campbell
Equipment Gatherer - Roxy Campbell

Film Production

Filming - Roxy Campbell & Jade Purchase
Scene Organiser - Roxy Campbell

Post Production

Editor - Roxy Campbell
Sound Editor - Roxy Campbell
Uploader - Roxy Campbell


Digital Film Camera
Adobe Premier Pro CS5.5
MacBook Pro

Market/Display Area

Plymouth College of Art - Summer Show


MacBook Pro - £900
Camera - £500

FMP Research (2)

Sam Pepper (YouTube)

Sam Pepper Vlogs

This particular guy interested me as I was browsing on YouTube at some people who did vlogs for my artist research. I find this guy very amusing, he films what he does daily in his life such as when he is going out with his friends, what he eats for dinner, where he goes for the days and just what he does in general. Although everything in the video is serious he manages to put it into a funny state and I just generally find him amusing which gave me the idea to incorporate humor into my FMP.

CTFXC (YouTube)


I found these guys randomly on YouTube whilst browsing for vlogs and came across these. The guys involve what they do from day to day, their personal life and they make it funny which I think is always important if you're doing something so seriously, you should always try to involve a little humor in it and that's exactly what these guys did. They also incorporated some animation into their vlogs which I thought was pretty awesome, they guys also inspired me to create some effects in my vlog, I used the slow motion technique which is in quite a lot of their videos.

Prank VS Prank (YouTube)

Prank VS Prank Vlogs

This has to be my favorite type of vlog going today. These guys are a couple that continuously prank each other every day and take in turn getting their own back and video it to put it on YouTube. Every video they make never fails to amuse me. Some of their pranks are quite serious aswell but they always manage to involve humor in the videos.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Vimeo Critiques

Kanye West - "Runaway" by Robert Smith

I particularly like this video created by one of the students from Tim's course on Level 3 Media. I like how he portrayed the meaning of the term "Runaway" in his video and how it flowed with the music brilliantly. I felt throughout the video that the lyrics in the song by Kanye West, however, did not go with the whole concept of the video but apart from that I really enjoyed the video and thought it was edited very well.

One main thing I particularly enjoyed upon watching this video was the fact that it appears to be filmed upon the Moores and how he himself appeared in the video along with the young girl and how she was running throughout the entire video, I feel as though I felt the meaning behind it that he wished to portray in this lovely video.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

FMP Research

What is the Final Major Project?

The Final Major Project is a final piece (the last piece that I will produce on this course) which I must produce by the end of term to be exhibited in the Summer Show which is on show to the public. Our Final Major Product must be no longer than fifteen minutes, we must use some of the techniques/materials and equipment studied in class this year. We must pitch a well presented pitch and deliver it to Cam which shows that it is a realistic project that can be completed in time to show our full potential and it cannot contain any bad language, offensive or explicit scenes.

I would like to produce an idea influenced by the film Requiem For A Dream. I plan on using the soundtrack of the film and incorporating some scenes based on the relationship which the couple in the film have and the effects of alcohol and drug abuse and how it can turn your life upside down. To create these scenes I would like to use my brother and his wife as they would be perfect to use as actors.